Thank you for Visiting Ambient Technologies and GeoView at the GMEC Conference on April 5 & 6 2018

Thank you for Visiting our Exhibitor Booth

Albert 0 3003 Article rating: No rating

The inquiries by our visitors included:

Geotechnical Drilling Capabilities, Equipment & Availability,

Installation of Geotechnical Instrumentation including Piezometers, Inclinometers, Dilatometers,

Geophysical Technologies applied to Archeological Investigations,

Applications of GPR and Resistivity to Sinkhole Investigations,

Combination of CPT, GPR and Resistivity for assessment of "potential" sinkhole zones,

Utility Location, Designation and Mapping for utility clearance at project sites included in the drilling proposal.

Emergency Sinkhole Response on January 30, 2018 Citrus County, FL

Albert 0 2968 Article rating: No rating
ATI Drilling and GeoView provided Emergency Geotechnical Drilling and Geophysical Services to Assess Two Sinkhole-related Dropouts along a major highway in Citrus County, FL.

Two sinkhole-related dropouts recently occurred along a major highway in Citrus County, FL. The dropouts resulted in the closure of the inside traffic lanes for both directions of traffic. Ambient Technologies, Inc. (ATI) was part of an emergency response team to both assess and test geological conditions within the dropout area. GeoView, Inc. (subsidiary of Ambient Technologies) was on site within 3 hours of the call to assess geological conditions using both high and low frequency ground penetrating radar (GPR).

ATI Companies completed an FDOT District 7 Project and has immediate availability of its CME 45B with Automatic Hammer

Albert 0 5280 Article rating: No rating

Geotechnical Drilling & Sampling

  • Geotechnical Drilling for Foundation Design and Sinkhole Investigations
  • Rock Coring for Engineering, Natural Resources and Quarry Site Studies
  • Splitspoon, Shelby Tube Soil Sampling and others
  • Mud Rotary, Auger Borings (Solid and Hollow) & DPT
  • Installation of Piezometers and Inclinometers
  • SPT with Automatic hammer

 Please contact Marcelo Reis at (727) 328-0268 and


You can reach your MBE-DBE-SBE-SDB goals utilizing all ATI Companies services under ONE contractual agreement.

ATI Drilling renews its Geotechnical Drilling Services with Two Geotechnical Drill Rigs: Truck Mounted CME 45B with Automatic Hammer and Track Mounted ACKER XLS

Albert 0 4389 Article rating: 5.0

ATI Companies has a long history of success in the Geotechnical and Geological Drilling industry.  ATI has played a major role on international and national projects due to its reliable, quality services.  In the USA it participated on the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project, the Katrina Levees Reconstruction and, internationally on the Panama Canal Expansion Project. We are proud to announce the renewal of our fleet/services.


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