WELCOME To Our New Office WELCOME To Our New Office WELCOME To Our New Office - After 28 years in the same location Albert / Friday, August 26, 2022 0 2119 Article rating: No rating WELCOME To Our New Office To Our New Office After 28 years in the same location Ambient Technologies, Inc. Subsidiaries & Affiliates Drilling - Coring - Geophysics - Utilities - In-Situ Testing - Solar Energy is moving the Headquarters to 5709 First Avenue South, St Petersburg, FL 33707 Starting Tuesday September 6 Read more
Welcome Peter Christensen - Principal of ATI Geologica - a Subsidiary of Ambient Technologies, Inc. Welcome Peter Christensen - Principal of ATI Geologica - a Subsidiary of Ambient Technologies, Inc. Albert / Wednesday, June 8, 2022 0 1953 Article rating: 5.0 ATI Companies is pleased to announce the formation of a new subsidiary called ATI Geologica headed up by Peter Christensen, Principal and Technical Director. ATI Geologica specializes in In-Situ Testing for geotechnical and environmental investigations using advanced geo-environmental methods of exploration including CPT. Peter also provides field support services such as soil sampling, geological logging, and conventional drilling oversight. A positive leader, outgoing team player, and problem solver, Peter brings 12+ years of engineering geology and in-situ testing experience to the company. Peter has worked on the consulting side of the industry for the past 10 years on projects in the UK, Turkey, Oman, and South Africa and now looks to grow in Florida, Southeastern United States and The Americas. Please join us in welcoming Peter to the team. https://www.linkedin.com/in/prchristensen1 https://www.linkedin.com/company/ati-geologica/ #CPT #conepenetration #insitutesting #geotech #geotechnicalengineering #geotechnical Read more
Thank you for visiting Ambient Technologies, GeoView and ATI Geologica at the 2022 GMEC Conference Thank you for visiting Ambient Technologies, GeoView and ATI Geologica at the 2022 GMEC Conference Albert / Saturday, April 23, 2022 0 1845 Article rating: No rating Thank you for Visiting our Exhibitor Booth and Congratulations on a Great Conference with inordinate camaraderie and sharing of ideas that produced results. Read more
Ambient Technologies, Inc. Environmental Drilling & Sampling at a Superfund Site - Orange County, FL. Ambient Technologies, Inc. Environmental Drilling & Sampling at a Superfund Site - Orange County, FL. Albert / Saturday, March 5, 2022 0 2135 Article rating: No rating Ambient Technologies Drilling Team completed DPT Drilling, Soil & Water Sampling and Monitoring Wells installations, at a Superfund Site in Orange County, Florida, which included 25 Soil Borings to approximately 60-ft below land surface and sampling every 5-ft and the installation of 10 – 1.5-inch Monitoring Wells to 38-ft below land surface, via Direct Push Technology (DPT) methods. Read more
Happy New Year to everyone and let's help each other achieve our goals and help our families, friends and colleagues have an awesome 2022! Happy New Year to everyone and let's help each other achieve our goals and help our families, friends and colleagues have an awesome 2022! Albert / Monday, January 3, 2022 0 1974 Article rating: No rating Happy New Year to everyone and let's help each other achieve our goals and help our families, friends and colleagues have an awesome 2022! Read more