Happy Veterans Day

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Thank You for Your Time, Your Friendship, Your Trust and Your Business, from the

Ambient Technologies, Inc. Subsidiaries & Affiliates Team

Happy Labor Day!

Albert 0 1413 Article rating: No rating

Thank You to our Friends, Clients, Colleagues, our Field Personnel, Environmental Scientists improving our earth and our water, all Support Workers, Nurses, Doctors, who have kept us working safe and healthy and contribute to the growth and progress of our world. Let us all continue to Collaborate and Improve each other's Lives in this Great Free Country during these challenging times.

Stay safe, strong, and healthy. Be kind.

Introducing the Upgrade to our existing equipment, a New GEOPROBE 7822DT, Bringing New Capabilities to our DPT - Direct Push Technology Drilling

We are proud to introduce the New GEOPROBE 7822DT to the market. We are confident that the GEOPROBE 7822 will exceed the expectations and empower the ATI Drilling Teams to continue to achieve exceptional drilling outcomes.

Albert 0 1398 Article rating: No rating

 We are proud to introduce the New GEOPROBE 7822DT to the market.  We are confident that the GEOPROBE 7822 will exceed the expectations and empower the ATI Drilling Teams to continue to achieve exceptional drilling outcomes. 

The new equipment will continue to be operated by our loyal Drillers who have provided outstanding Environmental Drilling Services in the State of Florida for more than 23 years. Chad Hall, our Best Licensed Driller, who has been with us for 23 years and his team, will operate the GEOPROBE 7822DT.


The GEOPROBE 7822DT has been meticulously engineered to address the diverse needs of modern drilling projects. It comes equipped with an array of state-of-the-art features that ensure efficiency, accuracy, and safety, making it the ideal choice for professionals and companies seeking enhanced productivity and superior results.

This will enhance the performance of the already excellent capabilities of the Ambient Technologies Drilling Teams.


Mr. Marcelo Reis manages all field operations and has 25 years of experience managing Drilling Projects and related services. Please note that we can provide private Utility Location, Designation and Mapping under the same contract with GeoView, our wholly owned subsidiary.


You can reach Marcelo Reis by phone: (727) 328-0268 or email: marcelo@ambienttech.com

Happy Independence Day

Celebrating Our Freedom.

Albert 0 1342 Article rating: No rating

Happy Independence Day

Celebrating Our Freedom.

Wishing You, your Family, Friends, and Colleagues,

Many Blessings, Great Health, and a Happy 4th of July Day Celebration.

Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Strong.


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